From New
Republic (August 21, 1995)
by Douglas
- Abundance
renders all issues personal and apolitical.
- All inflection
of individualism has been codified.
- Art about
art is over.
- Art-for-art's-sake
remains valid.
- As elites
dwindle into pointless cliques, they cease constituting a boutique audience.
- Borders
are interesting because they generate difference and hence newness.
- Bourgeois
torpor is infinitely superior to living in an ant colony.
- Commodity
fetishism is a recognizably biological impulse.
- Consensual
hierarchy is not necessarily oxymoronic.
- Consumeristic
cultures being forced to share intellectual hegemony with less consumeristic
cultures is not going to be a graceful process.
- Desire
seems to have boiled down to shopping.
- Demonize
the symbolic analysts.
- Detachment
is now a sentimental viewpoint.
- Elites
are too preoccupied with bunkering to waste time coddling avant-gardes.
- Even the
most individual statements, if copied enough, become assembly-line.
- Ideologies
are often adopted as poses by people who wish to avoid engaging in discourses
they find tiresome.
- If it
feels exclusive, it's probably doomed.
- If we
can tell it's yours, it will be taken away.
- If you
possess a recognizable style, then good for you.
- If you
wish to both steal it and vandalize it, it may well be art.
- If your
authorship is detectable, you must conceal the tingle of pleasure you
feel upon recognition.
- If your
creation is recognizably yours, you must be punished.
- In the
future everybody will be the same.
- Individualism
exhausts most people.
- Individuals
will not assign themselves social responsibility in the absence of perceived
social cohesion.
- Leisure
time is a joke.
- Linear
time feels both laughable and terrifying.
- Making
art while having an audience inside your head is corrupt.
- Making
statements purely about society indicates a lack of individual character.
- Media
manipulation seems dated.
- Money
still dictates the taxonomy of newness.
- New York
is too preoccupied with other issues to generate avant-gardes.
- One feels
pity for cultures unwilling to subsidize difficult ideas.
- One sentimentalizes
liberalism yet also recognizes its obsolete dimensions.
- Only art
that speaks to everybody counts.
- Other
people are irrelevant.
- Other
people are the only possible future.
- Paint
is a joke.
- Personal
memory and corporate memory are so blurred together that individualism
has become a shaky concept.
- Place
is a joke.
- Pre-empting
criticism through the clever use of strategy is boring.
- Relief
from anxiety in exchange for individual identity is a bad trade.
- Security
guards are the only modern component of modern art museums.
- Secretly
yearning for a big new movement is laughably naive.
- Serial
innovation by an individual human is the only respectable dimension
of creation.
- Sexual
art is often merely therapy.
- Skill
is sentimental.
- Technology
got us into this; technology will get us out.
- The middle
classes are an historically transitory tribe necessary only for the
studious creation of new technologies and will soon be obsolete.
- Victimology
proved unable to generate objects of commodity value.
- You mistake
the effects of social disengagement for dwindling abundance.
- You mistake
the effects of dwindling abundance for social disengagement.
- You never
hear the word "ego" used anymore.
- Your longing
for an end of history reveals your anger at having to be an individual.
- Your own
awareness of your own complicity in the commodification process is no
longer of any concern.